$100 million Southern Response earthquake compensation still unclaimed

Two years since the Dodds case opened up compensation for over 3,000 Southern Response homeowners, more than 1,000 have not yet filed a claim.
"These homeowners did not get their full entitlement when they cash-settled their claims. They may have been very seriously prejudiced at the time and they are entitled to be compensated for that wrong,” Christchurch-based lawyer for Anthony Harper, Peter Woods says.
“There is over $100 million worth of compensation waiting to be claimed,” he says.
Woods represented Karl and Alison Dodds in the landmark case where both the High Court and Court of Appeal determined Southern Response had engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct by withholding information when cash-settling their earthquake insurance claim. 
As a result, Southern Response accepted it was liable to pay approximately 3,000 homeowners a total of $300 million compensation.
Since then, Peter Woods has represented more than 500 Southern Response homeowners, with compensation paid to date totalling $35.8 million, with each claimant receiving an average of $105,000.
“So many of our clients have told us about the hardship and struggles caused by the earthquakes, and how this compensation is changing their lives,” Woods says.
Southern Response is paying $2,000 towards each claimant’s legal fees.
The Dodds are elated their judgment led to this outcome for 3,000 other homeowners, 12 years after the Canterbury earthquakes damaged their homes.
“We urge everyone to seek legal advice immediately. Unlike our case, this will be a simple process, with no worry about legal fees,” Karl Dodds says.
“Our advice is to apply for independent legal advice on your full entitlements, knowing your legal fees are subsidised by Southern Response,” he says.

Simon Darby